Please tick box of the complaints procedure you have completed before opting for arbitration:
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the ABTA Member’s and ABTA’s internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please check the below details match your booking confirmation. If they don’t match please do not proceed and contact ABTA.
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
6.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
6.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for ABTAArbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with the ABTA Member(s) to determine the dispute between me/us and the ABTA Member(s).
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under ABTAs Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If the ABTA Member has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to the ABTA Member.
I/We also agree to be bound by ABTA’s Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Seafarer Holidays’ internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Seafarer Holidays to determine the dispute between me/us and Seafarer Holidays.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Seafarer Holidays’ Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Seafarer Holidays has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Seafarer Holidays.
I/We also agree to be bound by Seafarer Holidays’ Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Travel Counsellors internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Travel Counsellors to determine the dispute between me/us and Travel Counsellors.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Travel Counsellors’ Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Travel Counsellors has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Travel Counsellors.
I/We also agree to be bound by Travel Counsellors Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Love Holidays’ internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Love Holidays to determine the dispute between me/us and Love Holidays.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Love Holidays’ Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Love Holidays has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Love Holidays.
I/We also agree to be bound by Love Holidays’ Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the On the Beach’s internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with On the Beach to determine the dispute between me/us and On the Beach.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under On the Beach’ Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If On the Beach has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to On the Beach.
I/We also agree to be bound by On the Beach’ Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Sunshine Holidays’ internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Sunshine Holidays to determine the dispute between me/us and Sunshine Holidays.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Sunshine Holidays’ Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Sunshine Holidays has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Sunshine Holidays.
I/We also agree to be bound by Sunshine Holidays’ Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Southall Travel’s internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Southall Travel to determine the dispute between me/us and Southall Travel.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Southall Travel’ Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Southall Travel has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Southall Travel.
I/We also agree to be bound by Southall Travel’ Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Culture Trip Trip's internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with culture Trip to determine the dispute between me/us and Culture Trip's.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Culture Trip's Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Culture Trip's has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Culture Trip's.
I/We also agree to be bound by Culture Trip's Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Away Holidays internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Away Holidays to determine the dispute between me/us and Away Holidays Trip's.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Away Holidays Trip's Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Away Holidays Trip's has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Away Holidays Trip's.
I/We also agree to be bound by Away Holidays Trip's Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Travel Trolley internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Travel Trolley to determine the dispute between me/us and Travel Trolley.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Travel Trolley Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Travel Trolley has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Travel Trolley.
I/We also agree to be bound by Travel Trolley Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Travel Trolley internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with ST Fly to determine the dispute between me/us and ST Fly.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under ST Fly Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If ST Fly has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to ST Fly.
I/We also agree to be bound by ST Fly Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the ST Sports internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with ST Sports to determine the dispute between me/us and ST Sports.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under ST Sports Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If ST Sports has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to ST Sports.
I/We also agree to be bound by ST Sports Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Fly Sharp internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Fly Sharp to determine the dispute between me/us and Fly Sharp.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Fly Sharp Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Fly Sharp has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Fly Sharp.
I/We also agree to be bound by Fly Sharp Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Please read the Scheme Rules, General Notes and FAQs carefully before you register your claim.
In order for an application to be accepted, you must have first referred your complaint through the Thinking Traveller internal complaints procedure.
Your case will be administered by ODRPlat working for Hunt ADR under the name of Travel Disputes. Note: All boxes must be completed.
Please confirm the date you returned from your holiday or the intended date of return. We need this date to make sure that your application has been made in time. You must submit this application to Hunt ADR within 18 months of the return journey or the intended date of return.
What was the total cost of the holiday as shown on the invoice?
Please enter the number of people who are part of your contract, including yourself. (The number of people on the same booking reference as you):
Please provide your full contact details. If your contract/booking with the company is held under a different name (e.g. married name) please provide those details, along with contact details.
Correspondence will be by email.
There is no requirement for legal representation. Do you have legal representation?
If you have a legal representative acting for you, please give their details below. We recommend you don’t proceed further with your registration without involving your legal representive in particular for the completion of Section 6. Once submitted, content cannot be changed. NOTE: login details to continue the claim will be sent to your legal representative so important you provide the correct email address of the person representing you.
Correspondence will be by email.
I hereby give my authority for the above named person to represent me:
You MUST provide details of the issues in dispute in the box below. This information will be sent to the Arbitrator assigned to your case so it is important that you provide clear and informative information
5.0 BackgroundIn the below box in less than 200 words please provide any background details that you feel may help the arbitrator. For example, whether the holiday was for a special purpose such as a honeymoon. Do not discuss specific issues in this section.
5.1 Issues in DisputeTell us what services or actions you remain in dispute with the company about and why. If completed incorrectly then Hunt ADR may reject the claim.
Has any cash offer of settlement been made?
Have you received any compensation or goodwill payments from the company?
Have you returned any compensation or goodwill payments because you have applied for Arbitration or for any other reason?
The maximum claim you can make under the scheme is £25,000, limited to £5,000 per person. If your claim contains an amount for personal injury/illness this is limited to £1,500 per person.
PLEASE NOTE; the personal injury/illness element cannot be the majority of the claim. N.B If the holiday was a package holiday, the accommodation part of the holiday won’t be the full amount that you paid for the holiday, as part of the overall cost may include the cost of flights, inclusive excursions, transport, meals or other services which may be a significant proportion of the overall holiday price. Remember that it’s unusual to get the whole holiday cost back. Only if the holiday was a total disaster from start to finish or if your disappointment and expenses were very substantial can you expect a full refund.
Claim Details | Value |
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
In order to process your application, you will need to pay an administration fee to Hunt ADR, which applies, to your claim. Please tick the box below:
I/We apply for the appointment of an arbitrator in accordance with the arbitration agreement set out in my/our booking form with Thinking Traveller to determine the dispute between me/us and Thinking Traveller.
I/We agree and understand that:
The arbitrator’s award is final and binding subject to the rights of appeal under Thinking Traveller Arbitration Scheme Appeals Procedure 2024 and our rights of appeal to the Courts.
I/We understand that payment will be due to Hunt ADR when I/we submit this application. Failure to pay will render my application invalid and it will be rejected by Hunt ADR.
If Thinking Traveller has previously made a payment to me/us as an offer of settlement, I/we confirm that I/we have returned the payment to Thinking Traveller.
I/We also agree to be bound by Thinking Traveller Arbitration Scheme Rules 2024 and understand that Arbitration is a confidential process and I/we will not, at any time, disclose to any person any details of the Arbitration, unless it is to enforce the Award.
I/we declare that I/we am/are authorised to receive monies ordered by an arbitrator’s award, and that I/ we have read and understood the scheme rules and guidance notes.
I/We declare that:
I/We am/are authorised to sign the form as claimant and to do so on behalf of the people under their booking reference and that they consent to us processing the information about them, including any more sensitive information.
I/We consent to us including all information submitted as part of your application.
Please note that we do not need copies of your passport, medical reports, bank statements or other more sensitive personal data unless it is directly related to your application.
We will only use the personal information we collect to process your application and to check on the level of service we provide.
We will keep personal information contained in arbitration files in line with our retention policy. This means that information relating to an application will be retained for six months from closure.
For more information on how Hunt ADR process your data please refer to their full Privacy Notice available on
I/We believe that the facts stated in this application and claim form are true.
Note: All boxes must be completed
Note: "ABTA Rules state that claims can be no more than £25,000 and/or £5,000 per person. Please adjust your claim accordingly"
Note: "The claim is being made more than 18 months after the return date so under ABTA Rules the time to claim has expired and you will not be able to proceed with your claim"
Note: "Claim cannot be greater than £1,500 per person and/or represents the majority of the claim value. To proceed you will need to reduce your personal insury/sickness claim to within ABTA Rules”